Health Promotion & Awareness
Promoting Health in Recovery

Continue to enhance awareness raising of addiction issues and the importance of health promotion in the local community. A primary way to do this is to further develop and expand The Snug’s Health Promotion Day which began in March 2017 and has been a huge success in promoting health in recovery. The idea of Promoting Health in Recovery is to create awareness in addiction with issues such as wellbeing, physical and mental health, as well as emotional health.

The participants attending on the day can avail of practical advice such as smoking cessation as well as accessing holistic therapies such as: Reflexology, Indian head massage, Neck and shoulder massage, Iridology, Hand massage, Facial massage, Acupuncture, Back massage, Meditation and Dance therapy.

Projects in the area working with people in recovery take a stand on the day to provide participants with information in relation to programmes available to help with people with their recovery, such as: North West Inner City Training and Development, Saol community drug project (supporting and educating women in recovery/BRIO programme), Recovery Academy, National Family Support, Stanhope Centre, Soilse project (empowering people to live drug free), North West Inner City Network, Riverside holistic Counselling Service, Chrysalis. Participants can also avail of checks and information in relation from HIV Ireland, Blood pressure checks (Irish Heart Foundation), HEP C information and National Screening Service (breast check, cervical check, bowel check and diabetic retina screen information). Approximately 185 participants came along to the day and were welcome by staff with cups of tea and coffee, sandwiches, cakes, fruit and water and a chat too. We plan to expand this event to attract increased attendance and involvement from local organisations and service providers and a wider range of disciplines to participate.